Monday's, Wednesday's, Friday's

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                  Welcome to the Yoga World


You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will. As your
will is, so is your deed. As your deed is,
so is your destiny.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 4-5
Translated by Eknah Easwaran



Dear Student!

These enjoyable and flowing Hatha Yoga classes will help you to strengthen and refresh your body and mind.  Harmony of breath and movement will help you to ignite the flame of your inner vitality and open your heart to the radiance within. These classes will help you to feel rooted and flowing, energising and relaxed at the same time. These classes are classes of awareness, awareness of your body and awareness of your mind. These classes involve Pranyama (breath), Mantras (chants), Mudras (gestures), Asanas (postures). All levels are welcome!


  • Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the start time, especially if it is your first class.
  • It is recommended to wear loose, comfortable clothing (no shoes or socks).
  • It is not recommended to practice with a full stomach (it takes 2 hour to digest a snack and 4 hours for a full meal).

Mum and baby yoga class- every Wednesday 

at Private studio in Hendon, NW4 4EH. Please call regarding details 0781 721 2578.

Please book your place before coming.

Beginner's Courses

If you are new to yoga I offer 6 weeks beginners course on Friday evening at Hendon Methodist Church, The Burroughs, Hendon, NW4 4EH.

This course is suitable for complete beginners or students looking to refresh their yoga basics. This course is also beneficial to students already attending classes who want to further refine their yoga practice.

This course aims to create a strong and safe foundation for further yoga practice. During this course you will be introduced to basic asanas (postures), breathing and relaxation techniques.

The beginners’ course


I am happy to announce that we are starting a new Course - Yoga for Beginners - starts on the 14th of  June 2024. 6 weeks - every Friday from 7:00 pm. Course price £70. 6 Friday evenings (7:00 to 8:00pm)

Course requires pre-booking. Drop-ins are only if there are spaces.

Course price is £70

Please contact me to book your place or for more information


Yin yoga is a calm meditative practice. The long-held postures help to work deeper into your body.

Yin yoga works on the deepest tissues of the body, connective tissues, fascia, ligaments, and joints.

it improves the flow of lively energy (Prana, Chi) in your body, enabling it to move freer in the internal organs, in the energy channels (Meridians, Nadis).

 What to expect in Yin yoga class:

We will do a number of passive long-held asanas. Each posture will be held for 2 to 5 minutes and longer. In this way the Yin tissue (the connective tissue) is responding better and opens. During these postures the muscles are relaxed to avoid a spasm, that could happen if the muscle engaged for a long period of time. We will be going to the postures and coming out from the postures slowly.

The background and principles of Yin yoga:

The Yin Yoga is based on Daoist principles. Yin is stable, not moving. Yang is changing, flowing.

In the body ligaments, tendons and fascia are Yin element; while muscles, blood, lymph are yang element. Gently holding the postures for long period of time enables the connective tissues to become stronger, more resistant.

 Benefits of Yin Yoga:

Releases fascia

Encourages relaxation

Balances body and mind

Increases the circulation in the body

Improves flexibility

Improves sleep

Removes blokes


Private Yoga Classes

Yoga can help significantly in injury or health related recovery. Private Yoga sessions concentrate exclusively on your needs in a one-on-one environment. Yoga personal training sessions can help you in managing health issues, increasing fitness, weight-loss, creating fantastic muscle tone, definition, relaxation and bring many other benefits to your life.
Private Yoga sessions take place at your own home or work for your own convenience; they will help to improve your health and well-being. Sessions are adapted to your needs, whether your aims are: relaxation, training for better muscle definition, or power cardio training for improved fitness. Each session has an individual approach, tailored to your circumstances.
You can come for an hour a month; or a week. Your yoga program will be worked out whatever your finances and commitments allow.

Corporate Yoga Classes in London

Yoga classes at your workplace can significantly improve the productivity levels of your staff. Healthy workers are not only happier but get sick less often, which in turn supports greater output & financial stability in your business.
Corporate Yoga can help:
to reduce the level of stress of your workers,
to improve decision making
to boost productivity
in teambuilding
to manage change and resilience to change
to help you in the negotiation process
to help in managing time efficiently
Each yoga session is tailored to the type of business, to your needs and the needs of your staff.
While designing  yoga session for your business I am drawing on my yoga experience and knowledge gained during my Masters in Business Psychology at Westminster University. 
Workshops for leaders

Pregnancy Yoga

Yoga will help you to feel relaxed, healthy and strong throughout your pregnancy and prepare you for the birth of your baby. The sessions are gentle yet dynamic; they include postures for stamina, for creating more space for the growing baby.  You will learn breathing techniques that will help you to relax. The pregnancy classes are a nice way to feel closer to your baby and develop loving bonds. 

I practised and taught yoga during my all pregnancy. It helped me to stay healthy and well balanced. It also gave me precious knowledge how to teach pregnant ladies.  Moreover, training with Uma Dinsmore Tuli on pregnancy yoga was very beneficial for the developing my as pre-and postnatal sessions. 

Pregnancy Yoga classes

Pregnancy yoga classes. This classes will help you to stay in good physical health during this special time. You will experience a greater connection with your baby and  prepare for birth.  These pregnancy yoga classes are also a good way to make friends with other mums-to-be in your area. PREGNANCY YOGA IN HENDON every Saturday from 11:15am to 12:15pm

NEW: Family Yoga classes from 26th of February, 2024

Every Monday from 5:45 to 6:45pm These classes are during the school term. The block of 5 classes for parent and child is £100. The block is to be booked in advance (no refunds).

Family Yoga is a nice and engaging way for you and your child to exercise, connect with each other  and relax. Yoga postures will help to develop awareness of the body, to get stronger and more flexible. Simple Mindfulness techniques will help you and your child to recognise and understand the emotions, as well as to leant how to deal with them. We will learn basic breathing and relaxation techniques that you and your child will be able to use outside of the class. This is a wonderful  opportunity to enjoy your time together! BE READY TO HAVE FUN! 

Family Yoga Fun Workshop

Family yoga fun. Enjoy yoga with your children! Perfect for all ages and abilities, no yoga experience is necessary. This is a lovely opportunity to enjoy your time together. There will be a lot of fun, joy, games, and stories; and of course Asanas (postures). It's always more fun to do things together, so we will have lots of partner yoga poses and some group activities. We will explore some breathing, relaxation and mindfulness techniques that you and your child can use for a good night sleep or to deal with daily stress. Please keep in mind that it will be nothing like a regular adult class, as it is designed to include kids. Be ready to play!


Due to popular demand we are doing a new Workshop - Family Yoga Fun- starts on the TBC from 12:40pm until 2:20pm. Workshop prices:

Course requires pre-booking. Drop-ins are only if there are spaces.

Workshop prices: 1 adult +1 child - £25, 1 adult +2 kids - £28, 2 adult + 1 child - £30, 2 adults + 2 kids - £35

Please contact me to book your place or for more information

Chakra Meditation Course

7 weeks meditation course : This course will involve a few minutes of gentle asanas to activate certain chakras, then we will move to chakra Meditation and Yoga Nidra. The techniques used on this course will help you to overcome your worries, eliminate the stress related disorders, deal with depression, insomnia, digestive disorders. It will help to bring back and boost your life energy.


I am happy to announce that we are starting a new Course - Chakra Meditation/Yoga Nidra starts on 12th January 2024. 7 weeks - every Friday from 8:30 pm. 7 Friday evenings (8:30pm to 9:30pm)

Course requires pre-booking. Drop-ins are only if there are spaces.

Course price is £140 (maximum 4 people per session)

Please contact me to book your place or for more information

Call:   Tatjana 0781 721 2578